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NEW Playworld PlayHills Collection 

The PlayHills™ collection is an innovative take on traditional hill play, encouraging kids to conquer new climbs and sharpen their senses. This collection, which includes five distinct hill components, is a high-capacity, standalone modular system that also enhances existing Playworld structures.

PlayHills provide an innovative alternative to traditionally landscaped hills, eliminating the complex, costly process of changing your playground’s topography. Constructed from steel and turf, each hill ensures easier installation and maintenance over time. A variety of climbing challenges, unique sensory activities, and social spots are located both on and underneath the hill—maximizing your footprint and budget, while allowing kids of all ability levels to experience play at both ground level and elevated heights.

PlayHills are available in numerous configuration options, allowing you to reinvent new and existing landscapes seamlessly. Attach PlayHills to your Challengers® and Playmakers® structures through our deck access component, or use PlayHills as a freestanding climber by attaching either Duo Hub or Tri Hub. PlayHills can also connect to Naica and Quito in your RopeScapes layout.

Learn more about this new product collection: PlayHills | Playworld

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